6 min

Nanoscale movies show how to build new materials

By studying how materials build themselves and by mimicking those processes, it is possible to create materials with new structures and properties. This is what Wallenberg Scholar Kimberly Dick Thelander, professor of materials science at Lund University, is doing.

Kimberly Dick Thelander

Professor of Materials Science

Wallenberg Scholar

Lund University

Research field:
Nanostructures, crystal growth, semiconductor materials

At the nano scale, which is measured in billionths of a meter, phenomena occur that do not otherwise exist. Thelander and her colleagues are studying this process while it actually takes place. This is possible thanks to an electron microscope she has been using and developing since 2016.

“Everything we wanted to do when it was new is now possible. We use the microscope every day, and it is involved in about 70 percent of our research,” she says.

The studies of existing materials are the first step on the way to designing completely new structures with new properties.

The basic material is usually a gas that spontaneously forms crystals inside a large machine. The machine contains the electron microscope, enabling the researchers to record images and film at atomic scale.

“We’re trying to understand the materials and their crystalline structures at atomic level. When we identify the processes that determine the structures and control those processes, we will also be able to control the properties.”

New properties and increased sustainability

Thelander is concentrating on semiconductor materials, particularly inorganic ones. She began by focusing on conventional semiconductors such as gallium arsenide, which is already used in electronics, solar cells, and other applications. Her aim was to see whether it was possible to alter their properties by controlling their nanostructure. She is now attempting to replace some elements with others that are not as rare or as hard to obtain. The elements she is now working on include iron, nickel, chromium, and manganese.

“We’re trying to make materials that are more sustainable, economically as well as environmentally. But the underlying principles are still the same – to design nanostructures.”

One part of the project is to optimize existing properties. This may involve improved synthesis, i.e. that substances react and form new substances, or catalysis, where the presence of a substance causes a reaction to take place that would otherwise have occurred extremely slowly or not at all.

Sustainability has become a much more central element of materials research over the past few years. In some projects it is critical, in others more secondary, but I think everyone has it at the back of their minds.

But what are the implications of completely new properties? Thelander pauses for a moment before attempting to explain in fairly simple terms.

“Some years ago, researchers predicted a new type of magnetism that behaves differently from the kind we recognize. At present this remains in the realm of pure scientific theory, but it may ultimately offer practical advantages as compared with the form of magnetism currently used. As yet there are no materials possessing these new properties. One of our projects aims to create such a material – if the effect even exists!”

She says that she herself scarcely understands how this form of magnetism might differ from the current form. After all, she is a chemist, not a physicist.

“Even physicists find it difficult to explain to us how the new magnetism would work. But they can say which substances and which crystal structures they need, so it’s up to my team to try to create them.”

Reviving abandoned projects

Thelander’s team is also working on materials that have been suggested or even created by other researchers, but were never developed to the point where they could be used.

“We are part of a major EU project for more sustainable solar cells. The material we are working on is not new, but when it was discovered, it could not be synthesized at a sufficiently high quality, so it was abandoned. We believe we can design it so it will be good enough. Whether it will be profitable is another question, but we’re trying to make it sufficiently stable and of high enough quality for further tests.”

Thelander comes from Canada and began studying chemical physics at Waterloo University in Ontario. While she was on a placement she realized there were researchers designing new materials. She knew immediately that this was to be her field. Materials science has now been her specialty for over twenty years.

For many years she said she would never consider a managerial position. After all, she wanted to be a researcher. But she arrived at a point in her working life when it could not really be avoided. A research project needs to be headed by someone with experience and expertise. However, a person handling all the administration involved in research management does not have time to do as much research. So even though she still wants to be involved in everything her team does, it is not really possible in practice.

“I really am passionate about learning new things. I like reading books on subjects that border my own, just because it’s fun to get a grasp of something new. And in research, learning never stops – there’s so much in the universe we don’t yet understand.”

Text Lisa Kirsebom
Translation Maxwell Arding
Photo Kennet Ruona