Wallenberg Clinical Scholars 2015

The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation is investing almost SEK 600 million over a ten-year period in the research programme Wallenberg Clinical Scholars. The programme provides funding for 24 of the country’s foremost clinical researchers.

The aim of the programme is to strengthen Swedish clinical research by means of identifying the best clinical researchers, providing them with good conditions to undertake their work, and facilitate the impact of research results in the scientific and healthcare communities.

Wallenberg Clinical Scholars is part of a ten-year initiative amounting to a total of SEK 1.7 billion, undertaken by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation to strengthen medical research and the life sciences.

Peter Andersen, Senior Physician and Professor of Neurology at Umeå University

He has discovered how certain proteins aggregate into lumps in the nerve cells of individuals suffering from ALS. The hope is to find a therapy that can slow down the deadly disease.

Learning about protein aggregates to solve the riddle of ALS

Anna Wedell, Senior Physician and Professor of Medical Genetics at Karolinska Institutet

Approximately one in every two thousand children is born with a metabolic disorder, which often leads to brain damage. Wedell has identified the molecular foundations for several of these diseases.

Individual genome analyses pave the way for precision medicine

David Erlinge, Senior Physician and Professor of Cardiology at Lund University

He strives to prevent heart attacks and reduce mortality rates. Among other things, Erlinge maps molecular mechanisms behind arteriosclerosis. He will also study new innovate treatments that can prevent heart attacks and reduce mortality rates.

Prevention and better treatment saves lives in cardiac care

Martin L. Olsson, Senior Physician and Professor of Transfusion Medicine at Lund University

He will continue his research into blood types. Olsson will also investigate how different viruses, bacteria, and parasites, such as HIV and malaria, use blood type molecules to infect the blood.

Finding the world’s rarest blood group