Wallenberg Clinical Scholars 2019

Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation is investing almost SEK 600 million over a ten-year period in the research program Wallenberg Clinical Scholars. The programme provides funding for 24 of the country’s foremost clinical researchers.

The aim of the program is to strengthen Swedish clinical research by means of identifying the best clinical researchers, providing them with good conditions to undertake their work, and facilitate the impact of research results in the scientific and healthcare communities.

Wallenberg Clinical Scholars is part of a ten-year initiative amounting to a total of SEK 1.7 billion, undertaken by Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation to strengthen medical research and the life sciences.

Wallenberg Clinical Scholars 2019

Ann Hellström, chief physician and professor of pediatric ophthalmology 
University of Gothenburg

A better life for preemies

Kristian Riesbeck, chief physician and professor of clinical bacteriology 
Lund University

Vaccines based on weapons used by bacteria

Stefan James, chief physician and professor of Cardiology 
Uppsala University

Helping the medical sector to learn more from its own work

Markus Heilig, professor of Neuro Psychiatry
Linköping University

New therapeutics for alcohol dependence

Olle Kämpe, chief physician and professor in clinical endocrinology
Karolinska Institutet

Understanding autoimmune diseases – why our immune system becomes our enemy