Project funding is granted primarily for basic research in the fields of medicine, technology and the natural sciences.
Research projects 2017
Research projects with high scientific potential

Project: ”Transforming microbiome research”
Grant: SEK 43 200 000 over five years
Principal investigator: Professor Fredrik Bäckhed, University of Gothenburg

Project: ”Molecular structure of mucin domains and role of their interactions”
Grant: SEK 29 000 000 over five years
Principal investigator: Professor Gunnar Hansson, University of Gothenburg
In-depth study of mucus offers potential for lung disease drugs

Project: ”Mast cells and their proteases: future targets for asthma therapy and diagnosis”
Grant: SEK 34 300 000 over five years
Principal investigator: Professor Gunnar Pejler, Uppsala University

Project: ”Understanding malaria-parasite survival in the human body for developing antimalarial drugs”
Grant: SEK 27 500 000 over five years
Principal investigator: Professor Mats Wahlgren, Karolinska Institutet

Project: ”The Achilles’ heel of breast cancer”
Grant: SEK 36 800 000 over five years
Principal investigator: Dr. Anita Göndör, Karolinska Institutet

Project: ”Development of new therapeutic strategies based on the discovery of ZC3H11A”
Grant: SEK 18 000 000 over two years
Principal investigator: Professor Leif Andersson, Uppsala University
Unknown mechanism paving the way for new drugs to combat flu and other viral infections
Natural sciences:

Project: “Interconnected quality (IQ) control – role in organelle structure-function, aging and longevity assurance”
Grant: SEK 44 700 000 over five years
Principal investigator: Professor Thomas Nyström, University of Gothenburg

Project:”Elucidating the principles of allelic expression and regulation using single-cell genomics”
Grant: SEK 18 400 000 over five years
Principal investigator: Professor Rickard Sandberg, Karolinska Institutet

Project: “Deciphering the physicochemical codes for cellular function”
Grant: SEK 20 000 000 over five years
Principal investigator: Professor Mikael Oliveberg, Stockholm University

Project: ”Mitocondrial genome separation and segregation”
Grant: SEK 34 500 000 over five years
Principal investigator: Professor Maria Falkenberg, University of Gothenburg

Project: ”Comparative Insect Biomics”
Grant: SEK 31 000 000 over five years
Principal investigator: Professor Fredrik Ronquist, Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet

Project: ”Deciphering Spatial Signaling of Protein Clusters at the Membrane”
Grant: SEK 25 150 000 over five years
Principal investigator: Associate Professor Björn Högberg, Karolinska Institutet

Project: “Attosecond chronoscopy of electron wave-packets probing”
Grant: SEK 36 300 000 over five years
Principal investigator: Professor Raimund Feifel, University of Gothenburg

Project: ”Quantum sensors”
Grant: SEK 34 800 000 over five years
Principal investigator: Professor Val Zwiller, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Project: “Pinning down the origin of collective effects in small collision systems”
Grant: SEK 26 200 000 over five years
Principal investigator: Associate Professor Peter Christiansen, Lund University
Disagreeing colleagues study the primordial matter of the universe

Project: ”Random structures and algorithms”
Grant: SEK 27 500 000 over five years
Principal investigator: Professor Svante Janson, Uppsala University

Project: ”Controlled atomic scale 3D ordering for exotic electronic phases”
Grant: SEK 34 200 000 over five years
Principal investigator: Professor Kimberly Thelander, Lund University

Project: ”Solving the Higgs Fine-Tuning Problem with Top Partners”
Grant: SEK 35 200 000 over five years
Principal investigator: Associate Professor Sara Strandberg, Stockholm University