Research projects 2012
Research projects with high scientific potential

Project: Stochastics for big data and big systems
Principal Investigator: Professor Holger Rootzén, Chalmers University of Technology
Grant: SEK 50 324 000 for a five-year project

Project: Plasmonic antennas shine light on the nanoworld
Principal Investigator: Professor Mikael Käll, Chalmers University of Technology
Grant: SEK 37 131 000 for a five-year project

Project: Dynamics of the solar chromosphere
Principal Investigator: Professor Göran Scharmer, Stockholm University
Grant: SEK 26 361 000 for a five-year project

Project: Coherent cytoskeleton dynamics captured with cutting Edge X-ray methods
Principal Investigator: Professor Richard Neutze, University of Gothenburg
Grant: SEK 17 647 000 for a two-year project subject to a possibility to apply for an extension of three years

Project: Spin dynamics and magnonics
Principal Investigator: Professor Olle Eriksson, Uppsala University
Grant: SEK 37 427 000
for a five-year project

Project: Characterization of the earth-sized exoplanets
Principal Investigator: Professor Nikolai Piskunov, Uppsala University
Grant: SEK 23 052 000 for a five-year project

Project: Ionic liquids, lubricants Enabling Advanced Performance
Principal Investigator: Professor Sergei Glavatskih, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Grant: SEK 32 059 000 for a five-year project
Ionic liquids – creating high-performance and environmentally friendly lubricants

Project: Designed Nanoparticles by Pulsed Plasma
Principal Investigator: Professor Ulf Helmersson, Linköping University
Grant: SEK 15 336 000 for a two-year project subject to a possibility to apply for an extension of three years

Project: Studies on transient sprays
Principal Investigator: Professor Mark Linne, Chalmers University of Technology
Grant: SEK 27 034 000 for a five-year project
Natural science

Project: Early Planetary Evolution
Principal Investigator: Dr. Martin Whitehouse, Swedish Museum of Natural History
Grant: SEK 13 032 000 for a five-year project

Project: Animal Functional Genomics
Principal Investigator: Professor Leif Andersson, Uppsala University
Grant: SEK 30 997 000 for a five-year project

Project: ShapeSystems - Systems Biology of Plant Cell Shape
Principal Investigator: Professor Markus Grebe, Umeå University
Grant: SEK 31 277 000 for a five-year project

Project: 3D Electron Microscopy for Nanostructure Research
Principal Investigator: Professor Xiaodong Zou, Stockholm University
Grant: SEK 33 364 000 for a five-year project

Project: Epigenetic regulation of cell fate in plant
Principal Investigator: Dr. Lars Hennig, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Grant: SEK 28 814 000 for a five-year project

Project: Insect life cycle genomics and adaptation in the wild
Principal Investigator: Professor Sören Nylin, Stockholm University
Grant: SEK 30 207 000 for a five-year project
Winter-hibernating insects - an interaction between genes and environment

Project: Spatial transcriptomics of the brain
Principal Investigator: Professor Joakim Lundeberg, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Grant: SEK 16 682 000 for a two-year project subject to a possibility to apply for an extension of three years

Project: Novel molecular cancer drug targets and biomarkers
Principal Investigator: Professor Marene Landström, Umeå University
Grant: SEK 36 594 000 for a five-year project

Project: Temporal Competence Changes in Neural Progenitor Cells
Grant: SEK 46 961 000 for a five-year project
Principal Investigator: Professor Stefan Thor, Linköping University

Project: Novel cancer targets within nucleotide metabolism
Principal Investigator: Professor Thomas Helleday, Karolinska Institutet
Grant: SEK 14 220 000 for a two-year project subject to a possibility to apply for an extension of three years

Project: ALS as a Model System for Studying Degenerative Brain Diseases
Grant: SEK 35 821 000
for a five-year project
Principal Investigator: Professor Peter Andersen, Umeå University

Project: The gut metagenome as a novel target to treat childhood obesity
Principal Investigator: Professor Fredrik Bäckhed, University of Gothenburg
Grant: SEK 30 806 000 for a five-year project
The intestinal bacterial ecosystem - the key to understanding and treating childhood obesity?

Project: Prevention of beta-cell failure in Type 2 diabetes
Grant: SEK 11 792 000 for a two-year project subject to a possibility to apply for an extension of three years
Principal Investigator: Professor Helena Edlund, Umeå University

Project: The next generation cell handling in medical diagnostics
Principal Investigator: Professor Thomas Laurell, Lund University
Grant: SEK 33 538 000 for a five-year project
They are developing a new method to find tumor cells in the blood

Project: The Human Microbiome Atlas in Health and Disease
Principal Investigator: Professor Björn Andersson, Karolinska Institutet
Grant: SEK 22 340 000 for a five-year project

Project: Comprehensive analysis of the kidney glomerulus and its diseases
Principal Investigator: Professor Karl Tryggvason, Karolinska Institutet
Grant: SEK 16 715 000 for a three-year project