Research projects 2011
Research projects with high scientific potential

Project: Autoimune Diseases
Principal Investigator: Professor Tomas Olsson, Karolinska Institutet
Grant: SEK 57 232 000
They hope to dispel the mysteries surrounding MS and rheumatoid arthritis

Project: New markers predicting glioma
Principal Investigator: Professor Bengt Westermark, Uppsala University
Grant: SEK 12 672 000

Project: The mucus layer and microbita
Principal Investigator: Professor Gunnar C. Hansson, University of Gothenburg
Grant: SEK 28 178 000
Mucus research enhances knowledge of major public health diseases

Project: Swedish Arctic Ocean
Principal Investigator: Professor Örjan Gustafsson, Stockholm University
Grant: SEK 45 859 000
Methane from the Arctic hard-to-judge force in climate change

Project: Clinical epigenetics of acute leukemia
Principal Investigator: Professor Karl Ekwall, Karolinska Institutet
Grant: SEK 41 860 000
Epigenetics provides hope for more effective treatment of acute leukemia

Project: New anti effective therapies
Principal Investigator: Professor Artur Schmidtchen, Lund University
Grant: SEK 42 348 000

Project: Catalysis in selective organic synthesis
Principal Investigator: Professor Jan-Erling Bäckvall, Stockholm University
Grant: SEK 44 043 000

Project: Bacterial modulation of early clearing
Principal Investigator: Professor Birgitta Henriques Normark, Karolinska Institutet
Grant: SEK 25 835 000

Project: The search for colon cancer genes
Principal Investigator: Professor Erik Johansson, Umeå University
Grant: SEK 30 070 000

Project: Power Papers
Principal Investigator: Professor Magnus Berggren, Linköping University
Grant: SEK 35 386 000

Project: The artificial leaf: light-driven
Principal Investigator: Professor Johannes Messinger, Umeå university
Grant: SEK 40 376 000
An artificial leaf – a solution to part of our energy problems?

Project: Anti obesity therapy
Principal Investigator: Professor Sven Enerbäck, University of Gothenburg
Grant: SEK 42 643 000

Project: Ultimate Vision
Principal Investigator: Professor Dan E. Nilsson, Lund University
Grant: SEK 34 908 000

Project: Molecular solar energy science
Principal Investigator: Professor Anders Hagfeldt, Uppsala University
Grant: SEK 48 071 000

Project: Genes to function, autoimmune diseases
Principal Investigator: Professor Ann-Christine Syvänen, Uppsala University
Grant: SEK 23 786 000
Genetic discovery at Uppsala may explain serious women’s disease

Project: Photon science and x-ray lasers
Principal Investigator: Professor Janos Hajdu, Uppsala University
Grant: SEK 36 550 000

Project: The Swedish graphene initiative
Principal Investigator: Professor Mikael Fogelström, Chalmers University of Technology
Grant: SEK 40 844 000

Project: Isotopic control material properties
Principal Investigator: Professor Erik Janzén, Linköping University
Grant: SEK 18 105 000

Project: Aerotaxy, to grow nanowire
Principal Investigator: Professor Lars Samuelson, Lund University
Grant: SEK 18 889 000

Project: Controlling quantum coherence
Principal Investigator: Professor Tönu Pullerits, Lund University
Grant: SEK 37 652 000
Energy flow in plants can pave the way for superfast computers

Project: Droplet, microfluids, nanovires
Principal Investigator: Professor Jan Linnros, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Grant: SEK 33 008 000
Nanowires that detect cancer cells – future diagnostic tool?
Project: The SGC project, Karolinska Institutet
Final grant: SEK 3 000 000