(In cases where the nominating university differs from the researcher’s current university, the nominating university is named in parentheses).
Wallenberg Academy Fellows 2015
Wallenberg Academy Fellows, the career programme for young researchers launched by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation in 2012, provides long-term funding for young, promising Swedish and foreign researchers from all academic fields. This year twenty-nine new researchers are appointed to the programme.

Associate Professor Fataneh Farahani
Stockholm University

Dr. Graham Emil Leigh
Vienna University of Technology (University of Gothenburg)

Dr. Mia Liinason
University of Gothenburg

Dr. Ana María Mora-Márquez
University of Gothenburg

Dr. Pontus Gourdon
Lund University

Dr. Göran Karlsson
Lund University

Associate Professor Erik Larsson Lekholm
University of Gothenburg
Ultraviolet light in the lab yields new findings on skin cancer

Dr. Andrea Puhar
Umeå University

Dr. Nasim Sabouri
Umeå University

Dr. Petter S. Woll
University of Oxford (Karolinska Institutet)

Dr. Anita Öst
Linköping University
Dads eating sugar makes their kids fat – fruit flies helping to solve the riddle of obesity
Natural Sciences

Dr. Emil Johansson Bergholtz
Freie Universität Berlin (Stockholm University)

Associate Professor Andreas Dahlin
Chalmers University of Technology

Dr. Aleksandra Foltynowicz-Matyba
Umeå University

Dr. Monica Guica
Uppsala University

Dr. Frank Johannes
Technische Universität München (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)

Dr. Peter Kasson
University of Virginia (Uppsala University)

Associate Professor Josefin Larsson
KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Associate Professor Ilona Riipinen
Stockholm University
Improving climate models by learning more about aerosol particles

Dr. David Seekell
University of Virginia (Umeå University)

Associate Professor Jonas Strandberg
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Looking for new Higgs particles to explain the dark mysteries of the universe

Dr. Sebastiaan Swart
University of Cape Town (University of Gothenburg)
Social Science

Associate Professor Erik Domellöf
Umeå University
Engineering Sciences

Dr. Chris Biemann
Technische Universität Darmstadt (University of Gothenburg)

Associate Professor David Black-Schaffer
Uppsala University

Associate Professor Dimos Dimarogonas
KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Associate Professor Per Eklund
Linköping University

Dr. Anna Herland
Linköping University